Introducing the new MIRA CO2/N2O portable analyzer from Aeris Technologies, Inc. The MIRA CO2/N2O analyzer is a massive leap forward to monitor two of the most important greenhouse gases on Earth. Its 1σ-precision specifications are the following for 1 second and 5 minutes of integration periods:
- CO2 = 200 and 20 ppb,
- N2O = 200 and 20 ppt.
The MIRA analyzer provides a real-time and autonomous operation, extreme linearity over multiple decades of concentration, is portable, battery-powered, and at a fraction of the cost of analytical solutions displaying comparable performance.
The MIRA CO2/N2O analyzer can be used for a wide variety of monitoring applications including:
- Atmospheric Studies
- Geoscience Studies
- Combustion Studies
- Emission Monitoring
- Indoor air quality monitoring
- Automotive emissions
Key Features
- High precision measurement of water vapor, reporting of CO2 and N2O in dry mole fraction without the need for drying or data corrections
- Ultra-portable
- Ready to measure one minute after pressing the start button
- Full absorption spectrum always visible
- Ultra small 60 cc cell volume for instantaneous response and sharp signals when measuring transients
- Autonomous and continuous operation
- 1 Hz default reporting and data logging
- 15 W power consumption (standard conditions)
- On-board Li-ion batteries provide 6 hours of continuous use (standard conditions) in the Pico embodiment
- Linear response over a wide concentration range spanning multiple orders of magnitude (typically ppb to thousands of ppm)
- On-board data storage allowing for years of operation before removing oldest data
- User interface accessible from any WiFi-enabled device
- Data logged in spreadsheet format accessible over WiFi network or USB drive
- Data stream from analyzer via serial RS-232 cable or wireless UDP communication
- Cellular modem for remote access where cell phone coverage is available