Part-per-trillion Sensitivity in a Battery-powered Lunch-Box Size Instrument
Introducing the new MIRA Pico COS portable analyzer from Aeris Technologies, Inc. The Pico COS analyzer is a giant leap forward in gas sensing : ppt sensitivity, COS measurement displaying an absolute accuracy at the tens of ppt level without the need for temperature control, no calibration required, real time and autonomous operation, extreme linearity over multiple decades of concentration, portable, battery-powered, and at a fraction of the cost of analytical solutions displaying comparable performance.
In addition of sharing all the great features of the MIRA Pico platform, the Pico COS analyzer uses a unique and proprietary differential approach allowing to cancel out temperature-induced drifts in the reported COS concentration. The system uses a dual inlet valve switching continuously back and forth between the unaltered air sample and the COS-scrubbed sample. The result is an unprecedented analytical tool reporting ambient carbonyl sulfide concentration in real time (1 measurement cycle per minute).
Key Features
- Continuous reporting of COS concentration with precision and absolute accuracy in the tens of parts per trillion regime
- Simultaneous high precision measurement of water vapor and carbon dioxide
- Ultra-portable: 11.5” x 8” x 3.75”
- Under 3 kg (6 lbs) with batteries
- Ready to measure one minute after pressing the start button
- Full absorption spectrum always visible
- Ultra small 60 cc cell volume for instantaneous response and sharp signals when measuring transients
- Autonomous and continuous operation
- 1 Hz default reporting and data logging
- 15 W power consumption (standard conditions)
- On-board Li-ion batteries provide 6 hours of continuous use (standard conditions)
- Linear response over a wide concentration range spanning multiple orders of magnitude
- On-board data storage allowing for years of operation before removing oldest data
- User interface accessible from any WiFi-enabled device
- Data logged in spreadsheet format accessible over WiFi network or USB drive
- Data stream from analyzer via serial RS-232 cable or wireless UDP communication
- Cellular modem for remote access where cell phone coverage is available